Seriously i have no idea ini attempt kali keberapa i untuk menulis blog. Trust me i dah daftar blogspot ni berapa kali under different blog addresses. haha. Half the blog in the web is mine. hahaha. no la just kidding. Tapi banyak kali la. More than 3 that i can be sure of. hehe =P
So, for my first post i just wanna say HELLO! haha. Actually i have no idea apa i nak membebel kat sini. The reason i nak buat balik blog ni pun because lately i have a lot of things to say or express or mencarut about things that have happened in my life recently. but whenever i feel like i wanna blog about it, i just realised i don't have a blog. Therefore, i hope i can make full of this blog as much as i need it back then when i really wanna blog about something. The problem is, i ni tak rajin nak memblog. yerp. but i do actually have a lot of things to story-mory. yerp! i have made a list tau! Jangan main-main. But for now, just a mukadimah la dulu yer. Hopefully i will blog more often and soon. hehehe.
p/s: let's see how long this blog would last. heeee. and please excuse my language. (u ain't perfect too! =P)
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