Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hunter Parrish

So sepanjang cuti semester ni, aku bergolek2 di atas katil tak tahu nak buat ape. Supposedly, I should be spending my time reading my journal for my dissertation for the coming semester. So what I did instead? I've been downloading lots and all sorts of movies and series. Recently, I have downloaded the Weeds season series. All 6 complete season. So I have spent almost the entore week to finish the series, and I did. Jadi, setelah berhari-hari menonton serita Weeds ni, one character in this movie has grown on me. It's Nancy Botwin's son, Silus Botwin played by Hunter Parrish. Why he grows on me? Because he is so cuteee.... and HOT. Hahaha. But me know this crush will not last long. I tend to get bored real quick. So might as well enjoy it while i can eh. hehe. And I love his teeth!

13th May, 1987

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Yea aku tahu kau grad oversea tapi please yer jangan ingat kau grad oversea kau tu bagus sangat k! Kau gi belajar sane pun sebab mak bapak kau yang hantar. Sebab kau orang senang and alhamdullilah mak bapak kau mampu nak hantar kau ke sane. So tak payah bile balik sini kalu nak cakap yang kau lebih tahu bende2 ni sebab ko grad oversea. Berdesing telinga aku dengar ok! Nak cerita experience kau kat sane aku tak kisah, tapi bab bila kau angkat diri macam bagus sangat sebab kau tamat belajar dari sane, memang nak kene penampor dengan aku kn? Hello? Belajar kat Malaysia, grad kat Malaysia tak cukup bagus ke? Takat dapat kelulusan sane tapi result pun hancur baik au simpan je la bongkak kau tu. Kalau kau gi belajar sane sebab disponsor oleh badan2 tertentu tak pe. Aku leh respect sebab mungkin la kau memang the best among the best la sebab tu dorg nak belanja besar dan hantar kau ke sana. Even budak2 ni pun, tak la sebongkak kau. Budget tahu semua bende la dalam dunia business ni. Tolong la. Sedar diri dulu and please watch when you speak. Because majoriti kawan2 kau grad Malaysia.

Terima Kasih.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


waaaa... the day has finally arrive. for this entire semester, tak ade satu pun presentation. unlike last semester, almost selang 2 weeks asyik present jek. maklum la banyak case study and all. so this sem, we actually focused our 3 months of studying pergi kelas and buat assignments. assignments bukan main lg banyak ok! well..apa yg paling horror sekali bile presentations berderet2. adoi! pening kepala ni nk pikir kn nyer. haaa..ini la apa yang terjadi kepadaku sekarang.

yes..i'm more of a spontaneous presenter. i don't memorise my presentation scripts. i understand the whole presentation and deliver the content accordingly. the way i present is as if i explain to my friends. mcm bercerita la. well that way, i rse orang mudah nk paham kot. but tak tau kenape presentationsssss kali ni, i mcm cuak sangat. feel so unprepared.

yes i still have time. and this time i siap buat presentations scripts lagi ok. which i'm going to start menghafal after finish this blog post. haha. tak de keje kan i? sempat lagi =P

the horror part of this blog post is that my presentations berderet2 minggu ni. waaa sangat "bahagia" okay. well, this friday (1st april) is going to be my first presentation and i'm going to be the 1st to present!!! waaaa seronok nyer. dalam banyak2 group, group saya juga dipilih (dicabut) untuk present 1st. mmg rezeki i. amin... takpe mungkin ade hikmah. tu la kalu kite tak nak sangat bende tu mesti dapat. haih... tak pe2. lagi cepat present lagi cepat ley start menghafal presentation yang lain.

well...still tak nampak horror kan? yang horornyer sebenarnya hari esoknyer. sebab presentation hari esok nyer ialah my proposal defense. since i' actually going to conduct a research for next semester, i have to write up a research proposal. this research proposal is then need to be presented in front of the panels. so kira i kene present my proposal untuk mendapat approval dorg untuk bagi i teruskan dengan tajuk proposal i. the purpose is that they want to know whether kite dah plan betul2 tak apa yang sebenarnya kite nak buat time research tu. if kite tak de planning yang betul and tak paham betul2 apa yang kite nak kaji, ini la mase nyer dorg akan tembak kite secukupnya. so..that's why i feel i kene hafal and try my hardest to deliver the best presentation. waaaa... 2 sem okay buat proposal ni. sangat lama. almost a year tau.

and the following wednesday, ade plak presentation untuk global strategic nyer kelas. itu pun satu presentation yang menggerunkan. sebab group project kelas ni kene kaji 6 annual reports tau. pilih 2 companies and amik 3 year annual reports. kali strategy sume bla bla bla. ni pun keje yang sangat horor. pening tgh nombor2 dalam annual report tu. tapi malas nk membebel pasal assignment tu. just nak menunjukkan hari2 yang akan datang ini akan menjadikan hidupku lagi stress. huhu. jangan lupa, isnin plak ade quiz finance. yippie!

wish me luck!

Monday, March 28, 2011


Ini cite stress yg sedang ku lalui kebelakangan ini sehingga hari ini. ade tiga kategori stress yg sedang melanda diri ini (byk nyer ni ni ni..hehe) :

Stress #1: Kerja Sekolah
Yes i'm so F stress with my assignments. OMG! you have no idea bertapa banyak nyer assignment kene buat. oh btw i'm doing my masters now. huhu. kononnyer nak jadi lecturer la tu. bukan konon k! mmg nak jadi pn. so after degree, kene suffer lagi 1 and a half year to finish my masters program. pasni merangkak cari keje plak. ok! whateva dlu! So..i tot la last sem was stressful enough, unfortunately i was wrong. This sem is by far the worst semester i ever had in my 4++ years of studying in UiTM ok. sangat sakit bahu and slalu ajek sakit. aiyooo! almost everyday tdo pukul 5 pagi 6 pagi. mata dah tentu macam rakoon kn. yerp! dgn jaya nyer i telah berjaya bertukar drpd manusia ke rakoon. hellyaaahhh!

okay la jadi rakoon. chomel ape. =)

Stress #2: Anak Sedare
Ye ye. i know i'm a very bad aunty to think that my love little niece and nephews caused me stress. hey tak boley nak salahkn i ok. sedangkn mak bapak dorg pun stress nak jage dorg, ni apa lagi aunty nyer yg chomel lg belum kawin ni kn? haha. bukan pe, my mom jage my niece selang seminggu. i'm okay with it sebenarnyer, i love playing with my anak buah but sometimes it's a bit stressful la gak kn, ckit2 kene jge, ckit2 keje jage. tak kan la tak nak tolong mak sendiri kn? i ni bukan nyer xde hati perut, limpa hempedu sume ade tau. Just dat, i feel bad tgk my mom kene jage n stress n all. She's old you know. she has turned 59 tau! so bayangkn la. but it's unfair to me too, to commit my entire day to jage the baby. i pn nak rehat sbb mlm ku jd burung hantu menyiapkn assignment2 ku yg tertunggak itu. jadi, bila my mom stress i pun jd stress sbb bergado dgn die. haih...

"If I'm not happy. Nobody is happy" - yes, i know. u made it clear.

Stress #3: Boyfriend
hah! pe lagi nak cte? seperti yg tertere di atas. yerp! sgt stress dgn die baru2 ni. die stress tempat keje i lak yg kene marah. pastu campur dgn stress i jadilah gunung berapi. cmne? dua2 pn nk melepaskn geram. ye r! mlm2 nk gayut manje2 ckit2 kene marah. WTH?! ish! geram tau! sakit tul hati ini. ala...harini pn sblm die tdo td pn gado lg. nasib baik xpanjang. itu pn sbb i malas nak layan die. geram tul! kalu nak dibuatkan cerita la kn, if i write every little thing that we fight about, mesti sume akan ketawa kn kami. Mane tak nyer, gado bende mengarot2 pastu bom meletup xpsl2. haha. kalu nak cte pasal apa gado, post nanti2 la. xsyok nak cte. haha. ni nk blog pasal gado pun ley buat hati panas tau! haha



Seriously i have no idea ini attempt kali keberapa i untuk menulis blog. Trust me i dah daftar blogspot ni berapa kali under different blog addresses. haha. Half the blog in the web is mine. hahaha. no la just kidding. Tapi banyak kali la. More than 3 that i can be sure of. hehe =P

So, for my first post i just wanna say HELLO! haha. Actually i have no idea apa i nak membebel kat sini. The reason i nak buat balik blog ni pun because lately i have a lot of things to say or express or mencarut about things that have happened in my life recently. but whenever i feel like i wanna blog about it, i just realised i don't have a blog. Therefore, i hope i can make full of this blog as much as i need it back then when i really wanna blog about something. The problem is, i ni tak rajin nak memblog. yerp. but i do actually have a lot of things to story-mory. yerp! i have made a list tau! Jangan main-main. But for now, just a mukadimah la dulu yer. Hopefully i will blog more often and soon. hehehe.

p/s: let's see how long this blog would last. heeee. and please excuse my language. (u ain't perfect too! =P)